About Dahlia Hirsch MD
Dahlia Hirsch brings both her passion and her expertise to the court, helping you believe & achieve!
My passion is helping people. I became an Ophthalmologist, and enjoyed a wonderful private practice doing cataract and laser surgeries. Then I went back to study Integrative Medicine, becoming a Functional Medicine practitioner. I focused on Lifestyle changes to help prevent and treat complicated medical issues.
As a kid, I loved watching my parents play tennis, and going on rounds at the hospital with my dad. I spent my summers at the tennis courts, and played JV tennis at University of Pennsylvania. But my 1st love and passion was social dancing- I love to jitterbug and have danced socially and in competition as well as on TV on the TNN show "Club Dance at the White Horse Cafe" - Country Western, jitterbug, swing, shag, zydeco, salsa, etc. you name it! I still love to dance, and you can watch some of my dancing on Youtube Dahlia HIrsch MD channel
Just before COVID, I got a different bug- the Pickleball Bug- you know what I mean! And now I love it as much as dancing!
I love teaching people to play safely, be their healthiest selves, and to improve their skills to have the best most fun pickleball rallies! And I love coaching people for tournament play! I look forward to coaching you!

Nationals Outdoors California 2022 Gold 4.5/5.0 Women's Doubles
To schedule, download the Teamreach App- code is Pballdoc or text 410-299-1939